Beginners Guide to CBD In 2019
What It Is & How To Use It.
People everyday are adding CBD to their diet.
The benefits of cbd has been evolving over the years, so much information has been spreading about the uses and benefits of cbd when used or applied correctly. For many this new wellness product has become a normal aspect of their routine health regimen. We are also seeing a rise in health practitioners recommending cbd for the treatment of pain related ailments(chronic pain, sleeplessness, arthritis, inflammation, etc..) and that is not all. Since around min 2018 cbd has become a great solution to treat P.T.S.D., depression, anxiety & insomnia in US Veterans. As the information becomes more plentiful about CBD, it has become very overwhelming for anyone who is trying to start at the basics. In this breakdown we are going to reveal all you need to know about hemp derived CBD as well as the benefits, we will also show you the best CBD oils to start off with.

What is CBD?
Before we get into all the benefits first lets talk about what CBD is. Cannabidiol or CBD for short is the second most active component of the marijuana herb. It is directly derived from the herb plant. However CBD and THC are very different. In the simplest way put, THC gives you that high euphoric feeling while CBD does not. Now lets get a little more complicated, researchers have identified two receptors in our bodies that respond to cannabis(hemp & marijuana), known as CB1 and CB2.

These receptors are part of the larger endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate hormone secretion to influence appetite, mood, and energy (we will talk more about the endocannabinoid system later). CB1 receptors are most prominent in the central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are found more in the peripheral nervous system. I know this is probably confusing so basically whatever affects CB1 receptors are more likely to have psychoactive effects since they affect the brain and spinal cord.
On the other side, whatever affects CB2 receptors will likely affect the rest of your body, reducing inflammation without giving you the "high" feeling that marijuana brings. THC is most likely to bind to CB1 receptors which will trigger the euphoric high we were just talking about. While CBD is more likely to bind to the CB2 receptors which is why it reduces inflammation without giving you that "high".
What is the difference between Hemp & Marijuana?
Hemp vs. Marijuana.
While hemp and marijuana are regularly referred to as “species” or “strains” of Cannabis, they actually do not qualify as either one. Actually, they could not technically be considered as plants at all… Hemp and marijuana are simply broad classifications of Cannabis so to clarify the difference between Hemp and Marijuana and clear the smoke on this subject, let’s explore what each of these terms actually means and how they relate to Cannabis.
What is Hemp?
“Hemp” is the term used to classify varieties of Cannabis that contain 0.3% or less THC content. Hemp has generally been used to describe non-intoxicating Cannabis that is harvested for the industrial use of its derived products. With evidence of its use recorded throughout history, including the discovery of material made from hemp over 10,000 years ago, many believe that hemp was the first crop ever cultivated by mankind(although this is not for certain). With the capabilities to produce crucial resources such as food, rope, clothing, paper, housing material, and more, hemp has been a great resource for people for a very long time. Hemp is simply amazing and now we are discovering more and more how many benefits this Cannabis plant has. CBD derived from hemp contains 0.3% of THC, for this reason Hemp is the primary contributor to almost all of the CBD products you see online today.
What is Marijuana.
“Marijuana” is a term used to classify varieties of Cannabis that contain more than 0.3% THC and can induce psychotropic or euphoric effects on the user. While the use of this term is widespread throughout American culture, it presents a grossly inadequate misrepresentation of Cannabis. Most organizations and individuals in the Cannabis industry refuse to use the term. In early America, the term “marijuana” was non-existent and “cannabis” was the primary term used to classify the plant.
The term "marijuana" actually came about sometime between 1910 and 1920 when nearly a million Mexicans migrated over to the US seeking cover from the Mexican revolution. It was during this time that the anti-Mexican sentiment began and the term "marijuana" came into play as a negative correlation to it's use by Mexican immigrants. Rumors began to surface, warning people of the dangerous and homicidal tendencies caused by using "Mexican Cannabis" or "locoweed". As the negative perception of cannabis intensified, the government began regulating Cannabis much more aggressively.
Just before 1930, 11 of the US states passed anti-marijuana laws and by the mid 1930's the anti-marijuana propaganda and the fear of it was in full swing. This was also the time when the movie Reefer Madness was released, pushing the propaganda even more. By 1937 the Government had effectively banned "marijuana," making way for another 80 years of cannabis prohibition.
What are all of the Benfits of CBD?
Why is CBD being used for a healthier, happier life?
Cannabidiol oil is one of the safest remedies used for treating several health conditions. In skincare, CBD oil is used for the treatment of several skin allergies and abnormal conditions of the skin such as rashes, uneven toned skin, and acne. Although it’s not applied directly, the CBD oil effects can still be felt as it is the primary ingredient of most skincare products. In health, CBD oil has been confirmed to aid the treatment of arthritis, chronic pain, heart and anxiety as well as coordinating the central nervous system.
CBD can help boost your immune system.
Although more research is still needed to confirm the relationship between the immune system and Cannabidiols, the facts that are available is enough to conclude that CBD can help to minimize autoimmune and inflammatory responses which are the main triggers of HIV, cancer, and sclerosis. CBD is an immune suppressor, this means it becomes beneficial to your health when your immune system becomes hyperactive or weakens below normal.

With the many varying ways CBD works, it is still unclear as to the extent to which CBD impacts the immune system directly. However, the endocannabinoid system is responsible for the regulation of responses between humoral and cellular responses. This means the ECS(Endocannabinoid System) and the CBD(Cannabidiol) are responsible for the regulation of the immune system. CBD based products such as hemp oil and industrial hemp as well as other variants of CBD have been proven to help aid in the relief of chronic pain, allergies, depression, and anxiety.
CBD is a great addition to your skin care regimen.
CBD has a lot to offer to the skin care industry, It can be added to your skincare routine in three varying ways, which are as an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and for anti-aging. CBD has also been known to be helpful for treating a variety of inflammatory conditions. Due to these properties high-quality CBD oil will help to reduce acne breakouts and redness as well as reducing excessive oil production in the skin. Due to its antioxidant properties, CBD oil can be applied on the skin to reduce the effects of aging over time. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dull and scaling skin.
Does CBD make you high?
CBD does not have a euphoric effect.
While it is possible for trace amounts of THC to be left over in CBD products, it's typically not enough to induce a euphoric effect, in fact almost every cbd product that you will find in the market today has 0.3% THC or less. THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the compound responsible for the “high" feeling you get upon consumption. The low levels of THC found in Hemp makes it the perfect plant used to extract CBD for products from Edibles to Skin Care products all over the world. So to answer the question in short, No, CBD does not get you high.
Now that you know the basics, where do you start?
So many companies & products to choose from.
As CBD rises in popularity, more and more companies are arriving with new and different CBD products. This causes us as consumers to wonder where to go and who to trust. With all these companies and products to choose from, where do we start. We have put together a comprehensive list below of some of the best products to start with by the most reputable companies. All of these products were handpicked based by off of our research and personal experiences.
Lastly lets talk about the legalities of CBD
So, is CBD legal?
To give you the short answer: It really depends on which state you’re in.
The federal 2018 Farm Bill lifted the nationwide ban on producing hemp, from which CBD oil is made, which formerly was classified as a controlled substance. However due to this bill, states where left to follow their own laws, many of which still classify hemp as illegal. Look at the individual state laws here.
The good news is, federal law says CBD oils are legal to possess if they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC, almost all CBD products on the market today claim to have either no THC at all or 0.3% to 0%. However according to the Times authorities in Texas, Ohio and other states have arrested those who sell CBD products no matter the THC level. Don't let this scare you in any way, the possession of CBD is legal according to the federal laws. Just be sure to check your state laws before you distribute any hemp infused products.
Lets sum it up.
The basics, benefits, starting place & laws.
CBD is a great way to maintain a healthier happier lifestyle. Even though many still have misconceptions about cannabidiol as well as it's relation to THC. Lets quickly sum everything up and go through it one more time.
- We talked about how CBD is becoming more and more common in households around the globe.
- We talked about the difference between Hemp & Marijuana.
- We broke down what Hemp is as well as it's many uses.
- We gave a full break down of Marijuana and the history of Cannabis.
- We discussed the benefits of CBD including pain relief, anxiety as well as in skin care.
- We went through the reasons behind why CBD does not give you that "high" Euphoric feeling.
- We gave you a list of amazing CBD infused products that are a great way to start with Cannabidiol.
- And lastly we gave you a look into the laws of CBD as of 2019.
Well I hope you enjoyed this starting guide to CBD. If you like this and you want to learn even more, check out our related learning guides below.