Let's Talk About Green Roads
A Well Known Company With A Pharmacist On Staff.
There is no question when you look at Green Roads that they are a leader in their field. They have tons of 5 star reviews and very nice website which features a learning area called what is cbd. They also boast to have a pharmacist on staff who formulates their cbd products which is pretty cool if you ask me. Since they are a well known company they are very easy to find information on which is a huge plus when searching for wellness products.
Certificate Of Analysis On Every Product.
After going through Green Roads website for a while we found that every product has certificates of analysis in the details area. This is great and always refreshing to see a cbd company that posts what’s in their product for all to see. Not only do they have these certificates on ever product, they also have a little chart next to each product that is very easy to understand and breaks down what is in that product for you.
Green Roads Summary

Green Roads Products Taste Good.
I love cbd products due to the relief they bring to me, however I do not like the way most cbd products taste. Green Roads products actually have a great taste with minimal to no hempy taste to them. I especially liked the relax gummy bears which pretty much put me to sleep about an hour after taking them. I would say the only negative to them tasting this good is the danger of thinking you can keep eating them. Just remember that these are wellness products and not candy.
If You're Going To Shop CBD You Should Get A Discount.
When you head over to Green Roads for the first time you can sign up with them to get 10% off of your first order. This is a great way to test out the product while getting an awesome deal.
Too many products to choose from. This can get a little confusing.
Final Thoughts
Green Roads seems to be a good place to shop for quality CBD products that taste good. They have a pretty website which features tons of 5 star reviews which is a huge plus for me. If you're interested in learning more about Green Roads you can click the link below.