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How to Improve Your Health in 5 Easy Ways (2020) - 10 Best CBD Products
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How to Improve Your Health in 5 Easy Ways (2020)

1. Cut back on Salt & Salty Foods

We all know that after the holidays or even sometimes just normally it is far too easy to consume excess salt, really without even thinking about it.  

Excess salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, And high blood pressure can lead to a myriad of other issues

When cooking, you should taste your food before adding salt to it, it may need less than you think or maybe none at all.

If your food tastes bland and you don’t want to use too much salt, you can add lemon or lime juice, garlic, or maybe some pepper, you can also get a salt-free seasoning blend. 

So there’s that too. 

2. Take the stairs. 

The next time you have to go up a few floors don’t take the elevator, instead teleport there. No take the stairs, as long as you’re not going to some important meeting and you know that you will end up covered in sweat.(cut to sweaty guy climbing stairs Using the stairs will get your blood pumping, get your lungs working and you get a bit of a leg workout as well.

3. Go to bed early.

Most of us don’t get the seven or more hours of sleep adults need, Over time, a lack of sleep can raise your risk of a heart attack or stroke — regardless of your age, weight or exercise habits. If you’re having issues going to sleep then take a CBD gummy, you can also start by going to bed 30 minutes earlier every night until you get to a more reasonable bedtime. 

4. Make sure to de-stress daily..

According to research, it is recommended to exercise  regularly, meditate and do breathing techniques to reduce your stress levels. They say that even something as simple — and enjoyable — as reading a good book, soaking in a hot tub, listening to soothing music, or playing with your pet. All these things can help you relax.

5. Make sure to spend time with friends and Family.

Maintaining a circle of supportive friends is a big part of good health. According to research, having close friendships may be second only to not smoking for preventing heart attacks. At the Uniformed Services University, Research showed that people with extensive social networks, are less likely to have calcification in their arteries, a sign of heart disease risk.