What Is C.B.D.? The Difference Between
Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum & Isolate.
What is C.B.D. & what does it stand for?
C.B.D. stand for Cannabidiol which is one of around 113 identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plants. CBD also accounts for up to 40% of the plant's extract. In 2018, clinical research on cannabidiol included preliminary studies of anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, and pain. CBD can be taken in multiple ways, including by inhaling it as a vapor, using it as an aerosol spray by mouth, capsule form, topical creams and edibles.
CBD was first studied in 1940 from Minnesota wild hemp as well as an Egyptian Cannabis indica resin. The chemical formula of CBD was proposed from a method for isolating it from wild hemp. Its structure and stereochemistry were determined by 1963.
What is Full-Spectrum CBD?
The most common form of cannabis used for medical purposes is full-spectrum CBD. This form of Cannabidiol by definition is derived from the cannabis plant to include THC which is the component of the cannabis plant that can induce more psychotropic effects. Unlike that of CBD isolate, full-spectrum is created to include hundreds of cannabinoids which are embedded in the cannabis plant.

When these hundreds of cannabinoids are put together it creates something they call the "entourage effect" in the industry. Many advocates of CBD claim that full-spectrum can create a more powerful Cannabidiol treatment that surpasses that of CBD isolate products. The elements in full-spectrum CBD work individually to treat various medical issues and have healing properties including, protein, fiber, fatty acids and essential vitamins. Due to this, many around the world credit full-spectrum with helping to treat more serious medical conditions such as muscle pain, depression and anxiety among others.
What are the benefits of using full-spectrum CBD?
Researchers have put a special focus on Full-spectrum CBD oil due to it's potential benefits as well as drawbacks. While the studies are new and we definitely need more research to be done. Most of the studies that have been done see, to focus on the impact full-spectrum CBD oil has on mice, not humans. These studies show that full-spectrum CBD has a great deal of promise in pain relief and mental health issues.
Not only that, full-spectrum CBD shows a much longer lasting effect then that of CBD isolate. This all natural form of CBD has an extremely low level of THC at a 0.3%. In another study done by the US National Library of Medicine, chronic cigarette smokers who were given full-spectrum CBD-based inhalers were notably more likely to curb or completely be rid of their cigarette habit, leaving nicotine behind.
What is CBD isolate?
In the most basic way put, CBD isolate is a chemical component derived from the cannabis plant. Advocates of CBD Isolate say it is the purest form of cannabis. This is due to the process manufacturers do to split or "Isolate" the CBD from every other component of the cannabis plant. So basically the chemical compound that is remaining after CBD has been extracted from the cannabis plant is CBD isolate.

How is CBD isolate manufactured?
Manufacturers of CBD isolate use an extraction process to pull out concentrated CBD. After the Cannibidiol is extracted it goes through a purifying stage with chemical compounds needed to create CBD isolate filtrated out of the cannabis which is extracted from the plant. After this the CBD oil goes through the last process which is known as winterization. This is where all remaining plant particles are removed from the oil by chilling chemical compounds. The chilling process or "winterization" is needed to remove impurities from the final product such as waxes and other unneeded components. After the isolate process manufacturers are left with a 99% pure cannabidiol with no traces of THC.
What are the benefits of CBD isolate?
There are many benefits with CBD isolate, although there are still many studies that need to be done we will go through the current top benefits of this pure form of CBD. Firstly there is absolutely no Tetrahydrocannabinol(or T.H.C.), the component in cannabis that gives that high euphoric feeling. With that being said, make sure you check the product before you buy to make sure it contains no THC since some manufacturers claim to have CBD isolate but actually do not.
Another awesome benefit of isolated CBD is it tends to be much easier to calculate dosage amounts. Since CBD isolate is completely separated from the other chemical compounds of cannabis measuring the dosage in milligrams which gives you the exact amount of CBD you'll need. Even though the scientific information on CBD isolate it limited there is a growing amount of evidence leaning towards CBD isolate being effective in treating a number of health issues including:
- Anxiety & Depression
- Inflammatory Issues
- Diabetes
- Chemotherapy illness
- Quitting smoking
- Sleeplessness
CBD isolate is not only great for helping maintain all the ailments above it also tends to be much less expensive then other forms of CBD. Check out these amazing CBD isolate products:
What is Broad-spectrum CBD?
We talked about full-spectrum as well as isolate CBD, now lets discuss what exactly broad-spectrum cannabidiol is. Broad-spectrum is kinda the best of both worlds. To be as simple as possible, it is full-spectrum CBD without any trace of THC. This means it offers all of the benefits of the entourage effect without any chance of ingesting THC. This also means that you won't attain the benefits brought by Tetrahydrocannabinol. This choice in CBD is excellent for individuals that can't ingest any traces of THC into their system. This could be due to legal reasons like passing a drug test as well as any other reason that the individual has.

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is made using a couple different processes. One is by starting with CBD isolate and adding the other beneficial cannabinoids from full-spectrum without the THC of course. The other way to create broad-spectrum cannabidiol is through a quite unique process that removes THC from full-spectrum CBD extract. By doing this THC removal you're left with a product that has a ton of benefits that can be used with the confidence that you won't be taking in any THC.
What makes broad-spectrum CBD so beneficial?
To start at the most important point, broad-spectrum CBD offers all the benefits of full-spectrum CBD without any THC. Studies also suggest that full-spectrum CBD is more beneficial then CBD isolate due to its extended profile of cannabinoids and terpenes which create the very much desired "entourage effect". So while CBD isolate offers all the benefits associated with the chemical compound CBD itself, it unfortunately does not offer the benefits of the complete profile of full-spectrum.
That being said by taking full-spectrum and removing THC you're left with a power product. One that has all the benefits of full-spectrum without any chance of getting that high euphoric feeling. All-in-all, full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and CBD isolate offer many different benefits. If you're looking for the right CBD product for you and you still feel as though you need to get to know CBD even better, check out out beginners guide to CBD for 2019 here.