Hey guys and welcome back to hempy and healthy were we give you the latest in CBD news and health education.
It’s a new year, 2020, Trump just drone striked some general in Iran and a new law is officially in place as of the first that requires florida CBD sellers to pay a $650 fee for a hemp license. Florida’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or the (FDACS), Division of Food Safety released its Hemp Food Establishment Guidance.
The Hemp food establishment guidance, goes over Rule 5k-4.034, which is the rule that they are putting in place along with the license to establish regulation of Hemp Extract or CBD as an additive in food and supplements.
Now word for word on the fdacs.gov site says “the fdacs is authorized to issue food permits for the manufacturing, processing, packing, holding, preparing, or selling of food consisting of or containing hemp extract and CBD at wholesale or retail.”
Now they are able to do this due to the fact that they acquired regulatory authority over hemp and hemp extract on July 1st of 2019.
In May 2019 the Florida Senate Bill 1020 passed and was signed by the governor into law effective July 1st.
As part of the State Hemp Program, the FDACS Division of Food Safety is in the process of adopting Rule 5K-4.034. And that’s the rule that will regulate the sale of Hemp Extract.
So what should you take away from this…. well…
You should definitely remember that any entity, whether a brick and mortar or online seller of CBD, must have a Hemp License as mandated by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), Division of Food Safety.
They have also adapted baseball rules for non-compliance: 1st offense – written notice, 2nd offense – $10,000 fine, 3rd offense your business will be prohibited from selling CBD